Java / Android Developer, Trainer, Writer, Speaker

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

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Hello Mobile Application developers! Ya, Google has moved to a change and we developers will have to cope up with that change. To set up Admob in new updated SDK , we need to do some tasks. Few of them are tricky, so be with me and follow my instruction. I faced some problems and that ruined my few days to fix it. If you follow this , I hope you won't have to face the same way.

Previously, we used to use GoogleAdMobAdsSdk-6.4.1.jar in our application for monetization. But now we have to go up. Now, we don't need any .jar file but update our SDK. I would suggest to download a new one.

So, Let's start:

Task 1: Download the fresh and new Android SDK from Here. Make sure, you are using a computer with 64 bit, otherwise it won't show up the Android Virtual Device  ( AVD  ).

Now you need to make some updates.

Task 2: Open up eclipse from the Android SDK and go to Window > Android SDK Manager. Or, click on the icon shown in below image.

Android SDK Manager
   A new window will show up SDK. Here we will make some updates. Look at the below images, and check those ( Which are installed in below images ) on your Android SDK Manager and click on Install x packages after accepting license agreement.

You need to install those Installed Packages

You need to install those Installed Packages

After installation, restart Eclipse. Now, we are done with installation.

Task 3: Now, go to your ADT bundle package on your PC and we need to copy a folder from there. Go to, ADT Bundle > SDK > Extras > Google > google_pay_services_libproject . Look at the file path at the below image. Copy the folder name google-play-services_lib.

See the file path and Copy this folder

Task 4: Done with copying? Now , we need to paste this folder on the project you are doing or the Application you are developing. Go to Eclipse and in project explorer paste this folder in to your project > libs. Now clear? Follow the below image.
Paste the folder into libs

Done with pasting? I guess thats easy! :3

Task 5: Now, we need to import that file. Look on the top left corner on your eclipse, click on File > Import > Android > Existing Android Code into Workspace . You need to import your full libs folder. Through this window, go to Workspace > Your Project > Libs . Select that and the click OK. Not clear yet? See, below screen shots.

After clicking on libs, click OK

Task 6: This very simple. Just check the imported file and click on finish. we are almost done! Below image will help you more,

See the Root Directory Path

Now, if the Imported file show an error and ask for number of SDK in L ( Android Lollipop  ) preview, go there and make it L in the place of 8. Like below image:-

Buddy, Make it L , replace 8

Task 7: Now, go to your AndroidManifest.xml file, We need to add some permission for showing admob Ads. Add bellow codes after <application />

<meta-data android:name=""
        android:value="@integer/google_play_services_version" />
Then, add another activity code, just after the first activity. Not clear? just copy below codes as the image suggests place:

<activity android:name=""

Task 8:  Now, we will place the add codes in our main xml file. Open up , res/layout/activity_main.xml. See below image. Place <> xml tag as show below and replace, adUnitId with your adUnitId , generated from

go to and generate an add, get adUnitId

Task 9: You XML might be showing some errors till now. Add xmlns:ads = "http..." line on the <ScrllView> or <RelativeLayout> tag. The errors will be gone!

Add xmlns:adds line

Task 10: Go to the file. And couple of imports at the top :


Now, add couple more lines  into onCreate method:

AdView adView = (AdView)this.findViewById(;
AdRequest adRequest = new AdRequest.Builder().build();

Well, I guess we are done! :D

There the ads should be shown up! Like the below image: -

Ads are appearing!

 Task 11: If yet not shown, you can go right click on Your Project > Android and select things like below image:

I hope no more error left! If you find more errors, go die! Just kidding, you can leave a comment below, I'll try to solve!

If the post helps you, comment, share for others, subscribe for you and buy me a MacBook Air :P

Read More:  Career in Mobile Application Development for You : My Experience


  1. Here is my problem How can I solve this? please help me.

    1. after importing google-play-servives_lib file, this error will disappear. Please follow full instruction.

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  3. Useful tutorial, appreciate it. Not sure if you know, but there is another SDK called GlobalHop, which can be implemented into your app together with admob. They can work together because globalhop monetize your app without any ads, so these two apps will increase your income
