Java / Android Developer, Trainer, Writer, Speaker

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

On 12:25 PM by Unknown in , ,    15 comments
Today, we are going to learn about Thread in JAVA. Class

 public class simpleThread implements Runnable {
  What is Thread in JAVA Programming? 
  Ans: Thread is a path of execution within a program. Multi Threading is multiple path
  of execution at the same time. Thread is a way, how your computer allows you to do
  multiple things at once. This is the simplest definition of thread.
   Now, how we will be working with Thread in practice?
   Step 1: Creating a thread object from thread class
   Step 2: Then we will start thread
   Step 3: Just to start, thread will look for RUN method.
   Step 4: While finds run method, the code into the RUN method
   will be executed.
   we will be implementing Runnable interface here.
  * */
 public static void main(String[] args) {

  System.out.println("Downloading two files..:");
  // we are creating a thread object below
  Thread t1 = new Thread() {
    After t1.start , execution comes here to look for run
    Then the codes in run should be executed.
   public void run() {
    for (int k = 0; k <= 20; k++) {
     System.out.println("File 1 downloaded " + k * 5 + "%");
     try {
      // Let the thread sleep for 1200 mili seconds.
     } catch (InterruptedException threadExep) {


  // now, this will call run method

  Thread t2 = new Thread() {
   public void run() {
    for (int k = 0; k <= 20; k++) {
     System.out.println("File 2 Downloaded " + k * 5 + "%");

     try {
     } catch (InterruptedException threadExep) {




   Using Runnable Interface(run method must be overridden):
   Step 1: We will Create an object of the class. Which is obj1 here.
   Step 2: Create a thread object and pass the class object through it
   Step 3: Start the thread, do operation.
  simpleThread obj1 = new simpleThread();
  Thread t3 = new Thread(obj1);
    This can be written as: 
   Thread t3 = new Thread(new simpleThread());
   * */

 public void run() {
  for (int p = 0; p <= 10; p++) {
   System.out.println("This is my T3 thread!");


  What we are doing here:
  Creating couple of thread T1, T2. Then both starts and prints a for loop 
  while both sleeps for 1200 and 1000 mili seconds respectively.
 See the outputs!

Output is:

Downloading two files..:
File 1 downloaded 0%
File 2 Downloaded 0%
This is my T3 thread!
This is my T3 thread!
This is my T3 thread!
This is my T3 thread!
This is my T3 thread!
This is my T3 thread!
This is my T3 thread!
This is my T3 thread!
This is my T3 thread!
This is my T3 thread!
This is my T3 thread!
File 2 Downloaded 5%
File 1 downloaded 5%
File 2 Downloaded 10%
File 1 downloaded 10%
File 2 Downloaded 15%
File 1 downloaded 15%
File 2 Downloaded 20%
File 1 downloaded 20%
File 2 Downloaded 25%
File 2 Downloaded 30%
File 1 downloaded 25%
File 2 Downloaded 35%
File 1 downloaded 30%
File 2 Downloaded 40%
File 1 downloaded 35%
File 2 Downloaded 45%
File 1 downloaded 40%
File 2 Downloaded 50%
File 1 downloaded 45%
File 2 Downloaded 55%
File 1 downloaded 50%
File 2 Downloaded 60%
File 2 Downloaded 65%
File 1 downloaded 55%
File 2 Downloaded 70%
File 1 downloaded 60%
File 2 Downloaded 75%
File 1 downloaded 65%
File 2 Downloaded 80%
File 1 downloaded 70%
File 2 Downloaded 85%
File 1 downloaded 75%
File 2 Downloaded 90%
File 2 Downloaded 95%
File 1 downloaded 80%
File 2 Downloaded 100%
File 1 downloaded 85%
File 1 downloaded 90%
File 1 downloaded 95%
File 1 downloaded 100%

Thursday, February 5, 2015

On 12:26 AM by Unknown in ,    9 comments
Hi to All!
Today we are going to learn another JAVA OOP concept which is Encapsulation. Let's Start:

Encapsulation in JAVA

Let's go through the files:

1. Class

 What is Encapsulation?
 Ans: Encapsulation is something like hiding data. 
 Encapsulation is a system by which we can keep things in a class secret( private )
 and access those through public methods from other class.
 If anything in a class declared private, that can't be accessed outside the
 class. More or less it's like reducing the dependency of our encapsulated class.
 Advantage of Encapsulation  is, if you need to change the codes, as because of
 less dependency you don't have to work much for modification.

public class myEncapsulation {

 public static void main(String[] args) {
  // Now we will create object of our EncapsulationMethods class.
  EncapsulationMethods bankDetails = new EncapsulationMethods();
   I'm going to access the encapsulated class through creating object
   and the fields which are kept private in that class like 
  bankDetails.AccountHolderByName("Mosharrof Rubel");
  bankDetails.FindAccountByName("Jakir Hossain");
 The printed output are:

 Name of the account holder is: Mosharrof Rubel
 Jakir Hossain is the account holder & Encapsulated account no is: 420
 Pin is: 1234 and Encapsulated balance is: 119273.78 BDT



2. Class

public class EncapsulationMethods {

 // declaring some private variables
 private String person;
 private double bankBalance;
 private int accountNo;
 // declaring some public methods
 public void AccountHolderByName(String name){
  person = name;
  System.out.println("Name of the account holder is: "+person);

 public void FindAccountByName(String name){
  accountNo = 420;
  System.out.println(name+" is the account holder & Encapsulated account no is: "+accountNo);
 public void BalanceCheckByPin(int pin){
  bankBalance = 119273.78;
  System.out.println("Pin is: "+pin+ " and Encapsulated balance is: "+ bankBalance+" BDT");

Read More: What are actually taught in computer science and Engineering ( CSE ) ?

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

On 4:42 AM by Unknown in ,    12 comments


We are going to create four Java class in our Polymorphism class. Those are:

1. class
2. class
3. class
4. class

Polymorphism Classes

The codes are given below.


package polymorphism;


 What is polymorphism ?
 Answer: Coming out in different form when needed is called polymorphism.
 Polymorphism is a OOP ( Object Oriented Programming concept ). In more words,
 Java's polymorphism  means the ability of Java's ability utilize objects 
 depending on their particular data type and class.
 This is my super class. 
public class human {

 public void goodPublic(){
  System.out.println(" In java human class "
    + "im printing good human method to understand polymorphism");


package polymorphism;

// This is my subclass
public class women extends human{
 public void goodPublic(){
  System.out.println("This is a method printed output from WOmen class");


package polymorphism;

// this is my subclass

public class men extends human {
 public void goodPublic(){
  System.out.println("This is a method printed output from men class");


package polymorphism;

public class main {

 public static void main(String[] args) {
   Creating object of human class using inheritance OOP concept!
   We can create object as below using the inheritance as those sub class
   inherits human super class. 
   In Below,
   meHuman,goodMen,goodWomen are reference variable.
   human is working as data type.
  human meHuman = new human(); 
  human goodMen = new men();
  human goodWomen = new women();
    Now I'm going to create a Polymorphism array below of the super class
    and put the subclass objects there. 
  human[] polymorphicArray = new human[3];
  polymorphicArray[1] = new women();
  polymorphicArray[2] = new men();
  polymorphicArray[3] = new human();
  // Printing those methods from subclass
    Here, this array is a array of polymorphism. This array has the ability
    to utilize objects differently depending on data type or class.
  In final words, if u call a animal Sound super class and cat, dog subclass.
  no matter what the animal is working with the animal sound
   will return you the real animal sound.
  so, animal sound method is working as cat sound once and dog sound once. 
  That's the different form! That's called polymorphism.


Overriding: In inherited subclass, if a method uses same name as the method declared in super class but the different method body is called as overriding.

Overloading: In inherited subclass, if a method uses same name as the method declared in super class but the different method body and different arguments is called as Overloading.

Read More: What are actually taught in computer science and Engineering ( CSE ) ?
On 4:39 AM by Unknown in ,    9 comments


We are going to create four Java class in our Polymorphism class. Those are:

1. class
2. class
3. class
4. class

Polymorphism Classes

The codes are given below.


package polymorphism;


 What is polymorphism ?
 Answer: Coming out in different form when needed is called polymorphism.
 Polymorphism is a OOP ( Object Oriented Programming concept ). In more words,
 Java's polymorphism  means the ability of Java's ability utilize objects 
 depending on their particular data type and class.
 This is my super class. 
public class human {

 public void goodPublic(){
  System.out.println(" In java human class "
    + "im printing good human method to understand polymorphism");


package polymorphism;

// This is my subclass
public class women extends human{
 public void goodPublic(){
  System.out.println("This is a method printed output from WOmen class");


package polymorphism;

// this is my subclass

public class men extends human {
 public void goodPublic(){
  System.out.println("This is a method printed output from men class");


package polymorphism;

public class main {

 public static void main(String[] args) {
   Creating object of human class using inheritance OOP concept!
   We can create object as below using the inheritance as those sub class
   inherits human super class. 
   In Below,
   meHuman,goodMen,goodWomen are reference variable.
   human is working as data type.
  human meHuman = new human(); 
  human goodMen = new men();
  human goodWomen = new women();
    Now I'm going to create a Polymorphism array below of the super class
    and put the subclass objects there. 
  human[] polymorphicArray = new human[3];
  polymorphicArray[1] = new women();
  polymorphicArray[2] = new men();
  polymorphicArray[3] = new human();
  // Printing those methods from subclass
    Here, this array is a array of polymorphism. This array has the ability
    to utilize objects differently depending on data type or class.
  In final words, if u call a animal Sound super class and cat, dog subclass.
  no matter what the animal is working with the animal sound
   will return you the real animal sound.
  so, animal sound method is working as cat sound once and dog sound once. 
  That's the different form! That's called polymorphism.


Overriding: In inherited subclass, if a method uses same name as the method declared in super class but the different method body is called as overriding.

Overloading: In inherited subclass, if a method uses same name as the method declared in super class but the different method body and different arguments is called as Overloading.

Read More: What are actually taught in computer science and Engineering ( CSE ) ?

Sunday, February 1, 2015

On 9:29 PM by Unknown in ,    4 comments
Hi guys!
Today we are going to learn couple of java OOP ( Object Oriented Programming ) concepts.
Before starting, go through this article: JAVA Tutorial : Inheritance Example Codes

Abstract Class and Example in JAVA:

package interfacez;

 This is a simple abstract class. An abstract class is a call of which no object 
 can be created. Use 'abstract' keyword to make a class abstract. 
 Methods can be abstract too. If in a class a method is abstract the class must have
 to be abstract.
public abstract class myabstractclass {

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		// TODO Auto-generated method stub

	 An abstract method must not have a body. 
	 In an abstract class you can have a non abstract method.
	abstract public void specialAbstractMethod();


Java interface: Creating Java Interface

package interfacez;
/* This is my interface. I will inherit this from my main class.
  This is also the java super class for my main class from which i will
  call this file and access those methods.

public interface createinterface {

	// creating four methods
	public void website();
	public void android_app();
	public void ios_app();
	public void windows_app();

Java interface: Calling methods from main class

package interfacez;

 Interface is a type that brings behaviors which a class can implement according to its need.
 implements keyword is used to implement an interface in a java class.
 Interface is a class like thing which is 100% abstract. A class can implement 
 any number of interfaces that it wants.If needed interface can be extended using
 inheritance concept of OOP( Object Oriented Programming. )
public class myinterfaceclass implements createinterface{

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		/* creating object for my class, so that i can call the methods that have
		come from interface.
		myinterfaceclass Apps_Object = new myinterfaceclass();
		 Calling the methods using my object.
	 Overriding the abstract methods that have come from interface.
	public void website(){
		System.out.println("Java tutorials on my website.");
	public void android_app(){
		System.out.println("PHP tutorials on my android app.");		
	public void ios_app(){
		System.out.println("JavaScript tutorials on my iOS App.");
	public void windows_app(){
		System.out.println("C Sharp ( C# ) on my windows app.");


Hope this helps you! don't forget to share and subscribe!

  Read More: Differences Between Programmers and Coders

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

On 1:31 AM by Unknown in ,    3 comments
Today we are going to learn Inheritance in JAVA. I've created four java class file. Those are:

1. ( Superclass )
2. ( Main Class )
3. ( Subclass )
4.  ( Subclass )

Here are the codes:


 Inheritance means inheriting stuffs ( variables, methods etc ) from other class.
  Why inheritance is important?
  Well, if we need same stuffs for many classes. We need to write code in every class
  rather doing that we will write same thing in one class and access that from other
  class through inheritances.

package myinheritence;
//my java super class
public class fatherswealth {
public static void fatherswealth() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
System.out.println("My car, flat, lands all are for my two sons!");


package myinheritence;
//my Java Sub class
public class myself extends fatherswealth{
/* in java writing Extends after class name means, you are inheriting.
* Here we are going to inherit everything from the fathers Wealth class.
public void fromFather(String[] args) {
//System.out.println("my father says,  ");


package myinheritence;
/* This is my my java subclass.

 Note: we will inherit a class by using the keyword EXTENDS

public class mybrother  extends fatherswealth{
// in this mybrother class we are also inheriting the class fatherswealth
public void fromFather(String[] args) {
System.out.println("printing from mybrother dot java class, My father says,  ");
// calling by the power of inheritance
fatherswealth fb= new fatherswealth();
// we can use super keyword to call also from super class
System.out.println("Ends printing frtom my brother dot java class");


package myinheritence;
public class lawyer {
public static void main( String[] args ) {
Now i will create the object from the myself class to access the class.
 as the class is inherited, i can access the fatherwealth class through mybrother class
myself meObj = new myself();
mybrother myBro = new mybrother();
/* object and method name separated by dot for printing the outcomes which are
inherited from the fatherwealth class
// calling inheritance for my brother.
// calling inheritance from me
if you use the java Static keyword in method, you can access it without creating object.
i used static keyword in fatherswealth class, so i can call it without object like below example.
/* Note 1: only public methods can be inherited.
Note 2: If you want to keep one method as same as inherited class, you can write that in your subclass by overriding.
Note 3: If you inherit a superclass and that superclass inherits another class. then you will access your immediate superclass
and also the superclass that your superclass accessed.
Note 4: A static and final method can not be overridden.
Note 5: Method overloading deals with the notion of
having two or more methods(functions) in the same class with the same name but different arguments.


Saturday, January 24, 2015

On 10:12 AM by Unknown in ,    17 comments
Array: An array is something more or less like a container of data. Array container contains same type of data.

Read More from Oracle >> Here!

Java Code for practicing:

import java.util.Arrays;
public class myarray {
public static  void main(String [] args) {

// declaring  an array in java
int[] javaArray = new int[10];

// array with values
String prof[] = {"lawyear", "engineer", "stupoid", "developer"};

// allowed but not preferred declaring java array
int buy[];
buy = new int[10];

// java array of numbers, integer
int javaNumberArray[] = {2,3,6,7,78,8};

int[] [] learn = { {1,2,3}, {4,5,6}, {7,8,9,81}, {10,11, 12} };

// how to print a java array length
System.out.println( " My Java Array leangth: "+ learn.length );

int s;
for( s=0; s < javaNumberArray.length; s++ ) {

System.out.println( "My Array output, according to index is: "+ javaNumberArray[s] );


// printing a 2d array in java
int p,q;
for( p=0; p < learn.length; p++ ) {
for(q=0; q< learn[p].length; q++ ) {

System.out.println(  learn[p][q] );



for(int n: javaNumberArray) {
   System.out.println("My Arrar Java Number is: "+ n);

int[] seo = {1,2,23,3,3,3,4,4,5,6,67,7,8,89,9,76,4,33,3,32 } ;

// print a java array in one line
System.out.println( "Size of SEO ArrAy is: "+ Arrays.toString(seo)) ;

// print a java 2d ( 2 dimentional ) array in one line
System.out.println( "Size of 2D Learn ArrAy is: "+ Arrays.deepToString(learn)) ;



 My Java Array length: 4
My Array output, according to index is: 2
My Array output, according to index is: 3
My Array output, according to index is: 6
My Array output, according to index is: 7
My Array output, according to index is: 78
My Array output, according to index is: 8
My Arrar Java Number is: 2
My Arrar Java Number is: 3
My Arrar Java Number is: 6
My Arrar Java Number is: 7
My Arrar Java Number is: 78
My Arrar Java Number is: 8
Size of SEO ArrAy is: [1, 2, 23, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 6, 67, 7, 8, 89, 9, 76, 4, 33, 3, 32]
Size of 2D Learn ArrAy is: [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9, 81], [10, 11, 12]]